Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Post 9 Final Project Ideas

For my final project about public issues I am going to create a video which includes and interview regarding social events in Europe and how people reacted to them. I will be interviewing random people and will ask them how they feel about certain public issues that have happened recently. This may be difficult given many people don't like speaking about such topics in public but I will do my best to get an answer. Gay marriage just became legal in France so that may be one question that I ask. This is because there has been massive riots against gay marriage since I have been living in Paris and it would be very interesting to see how others feel about an unpopular idea becoming a law.

For my video relating to my personal engagement in my host culture I will show you what I do on a normal day. Starting with my walk to school and the views and people that I see everyday. I will not bore you buy showing the life of the metro even though I have spent days riding it back in forth throughout the city. I will however show you what it is like to live in Paris for four months by giving you insight on the delicious food and drinks that are popular here. My video will include all that I believe is necessary to show you how I have engaged my host culture.

For my video regarding how careers related to my major are practiced in my host culture I will show you how everyone goes about their day here in the Business District of Paris. Since I live in the business hub I will easily be able to show you how my major is practiced here. Accounting is a very dry major so this video may not be the most exciting one you have ever seen, and if it is... well you may just be an accountant.

1 comment:

  1. It might be better to take a more focused approach to your public issues video, especially considering how brief they are. It might be difficult to cover multiple social issues, but I like your idea of asking about gay marriage specifically.
