Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Post 10

For this post, I am looking at the tropos of the final video of a past CAAH 201/Study Abroad student: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uf2bX8IrhqA&list=UU-_3kWO3O0AtNrrmSWwPSDg&index=9.

The student decided to use strictly pictures and personal photographs for her video with a voiceover. While this provides plenty of visuals, the same viewing effect of the pictures and the continuing voice over can make the presentation a little less exciting. But, good credit to the information in the video is instantly known because the student shares her knowledge and background with veterinary sciences. This can create more focus to the information because the information comes from a first-hand knowledgeable source.

The video was dry in terms of visual appeal--no videos, music or creative backgrounds/fonts--so it was harder to truly appreciate the video. It seems like visual appeal--colors, juxtaposition and so forth--is a big component to tropos considerations. Also, the information was presented in more of a monotone manner--the speaker did not necessarily sound thrilled about the subject though she discussed her passion for veterinary sciences at the beginning of the video. There were also some awkward transitions between what the speaker was discussing and utilizing an appropriate photo while it was being discussed. There were a few delays in displaying the proper photo and sometimes some early appearances.

Overall, the video is very factual and provides some good knowledge comparing the student's home culture and their host culture, but the design should be better laid out to keep the attention of anyone who watches the video. Some sort of video--of the city, of a veterinarian in the UK, etc.--would have been useful throughout the video. But, it's harder to evaluate the tropos, to find true purpose because it seems the student discussed the information and then matched up pictures as needed. So, the tropos needs some improvement but that's all.

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